Raspberry PI Doorbell

Doorbell based on Raspberry PI, design in Node-Red.

1 – Smartphone /Tablet
2 – Raspberry PI Zero with Node-Red installed
3 – Soundcard WM8960 Waveshare
4 – Speaker
5 – Relay for opening the door lock 4-Channel Relay Board for Pi Zero
6 (optional) – Camera

The doorbell uses a WM8960 sound card with integrated microphones, speaker connectors, and a button that can be used as a call button.
Of the 4 relay channels, only one is used, but others can be used, for example, to turn on the light, you can also open the door lock through ESP8266 (for example, ESP01 with Relay) in a bundle Node-Red -> HTTP or Node-Red -> MQTT.
To communicate with the camera, this example uses RPi-Cam-Web-Interface .
